Monday after noon 2 pm to 4pm
Wedneday – 9 am to 12 pm
Thursday – 9 am to 12 pm

What exactly is Watsu?

Explore the origins and evolution of Watsu as a unique form of aquatic bodywork.
Many water therapies have evolved since the ancient times of bathing, which I will discuss further in my blog or in my talks. Watsu emerged as a form of bodywork in 1980, when Harold Dull was floating his Zen Shiatsu students in warm pools in Harbin Springs, California. The term watsu is derived from the words water and shiatsu.

In Warm Waters, How Does Watsu Work

Delve into the therapeutic effects of Watsu in warm water environments, including spas, thermes, and hydrotherapy pools.

Since its inception, it has been regarded as the most profoundly treasured aquatic development, allowing greater freedom of movement and flexibility. It aids in the release of the body in the water; the client lays on their back supported in warm waters, allowing the body to rise and sink with their breathing, creating a sense of weightlessness.
Being nurtured in the water by the therapist while releasing emotions, when the body is still or moving in the water, as the movement flows into the next, you have no idea what will happen.
When you develop deep relaxation through flotation and stretches, there is no resistance and the body can move freely without pain and into positions that would otherwise be impossible.

Watsu and Sea Water: A Rejuvenating Mix?

Uncover the benefits of Watsu sessions conducted in seawater, exploring the natural healing properties of the ocean.
Because of the salinity and mineral content of the water, certain seas, such as the Dead Sea, can provide weightlessness immediately. Thalassotherapy, for example, uses sea water and sea air to restore balance. Balineotherapy, on the other hand, has been linked to medicine, magic, and religion. Bathing and immersion in water has been used since the beginning of recorded history to provide purification and spiritual energy to people.

Mineral Springs and Watsu: Balneotherapy Insights

Understand the connection between Watsu and mineral springs, examining the role of balneotherapy in enhancing the treatment.
Balineotherapy has been linked to medicine, miracles, and religion. Bathing and immersion in water has been used since the beginning of recorded history to provide purification and spiritual energy to people.

Watsu in Hydrotherapy Pools: What to Expect?

Discuss the specific advantages of Watsu sessions in hydrotherapy pools, emphasizing the therapeutic benefits.
At the start of the session, the therapist will guide you, talk you through what to expect and anticipate, and reassure you about how the treatment will begin, progress, and end. Which is like beginning and ending with such a lovely health treatment.
Watsu both strengthens and stretches muscles, increasing flexibility.
Increases the range of motion in joints such as the spine, hips, pelvis, neck, arms, and legs.
Improves breathing patterns, giving you more inner peace, calm, and relaxation like you have never felt before.
Improves insomnia and reduces stress and anxiety.

Trusts and your fears and limitations are extremely important to you and for a watsu practitioner to understand almost on intuitive level and spiritually as there is a closeness and intimacy in being vulnerable and sharing these things. 

Watsu is performed in still point in the moment, or very slow movements to avoid you feeling any pressure resistance and keep you balanced in the hara of your breath. Many clients on first session will feel their own resistance, where they have fear and insecurity or even go by the practitioner breath and heart beat, which is fine, within a few sessions you will find your own inner meditative state to lower blood pressure and by learning to breathe again properly in a watsu experience you can use in your every day land work or exercise meditation to make the body more supple by using the breathe.

The Magic of Thalassotherapy in Watsu

Explore how Watsu can be complemented by thalassotherapy, harnessing the healing powers of sea elements.
Many Thalassotherapy centres, hotels, spas and thermae, can be day spas, or they can be places to stay and have treatments, whilist offering disabled hoists and lift and special access which becomes a popular destination for tourists who may have mobility or disability needs whilst offering luxury and amenities within the complex.
Ranging from various density of sea waters you can release trauma, smooth jerky movements and reduce inflammation, improving the quality of life for you, or anyone that goes to where they want to recover might be rheumatic disorders or rehabilitation after accident, sports injuries, back aches, respiratory problems, expectant mothers, reduces eiteoporosis and heart disease.
For more on this topic on water, and the magic, history, healing and miraculous theraputic health benefits see the blog.

Watsu and Floatation Therapy: A Synergistic Approach

Detail the combined effects of Watsu and floatation therapy, explaining how this tandem approach aids in healing and relaxation.
Being weightless in water creates buoyancy in the breath, teaching the body to float and improving daily quality of life and physical function after a session.
Clients who may have a brain injury, cerebral palsy, quadraplegia, serious nerve damage, or who are pre and post operative, as well as the Feel good factor Bath comes from the Latin word balneum, which means “to feel good.”
The Watsu practitioner works with you to gently ease you in at your own pace. She has worked with children who are afraid of water or even people, as well as teenagers who have overcome trauma and abuse to empower them to become strong women. Adults who have fears and need a caring, empathic, listening therapist to nurture them so they feel safe, heard, and confident to face any challenge they choose.

Types of Stretches we do and much more in treatments.

Stretching in Watsu: A Path to Restoration

Examine the role of stretching techniques in Watsu, focusing on how they contribute to physical restoration and recuperation.
Just some examples of Shiatsu moves we practitioners use whilst your floating in our arms and in various poses and positions.

Trunk Twist:

Purpose: Releases tension in the spine and improves flexibility.

Harbor Seal

Purpose: Creates a cradling motion, fostering a sense of security and comfort.


Purpose: Fluid movement that helps to release tension throughout the spine


Purpose: Mimics the fluid movements of a dolphin, promoting grace and agility in the water.

Hip Opener

Purpose: Loosens the hip joints, promoting a sense of openness and relaxation.

Rocking Horse

Purpose: Facilitates gentle rocking movements, promoting relaxation and fluidity.

Back Arch

Purpose: Opens the chest and stretches the front of the body, promoting expansion and deep breathing.

Ballet Leg

Purpose: Emulates the elegance of ballet, enhancing leg flexibility and balance.

Shoulder Lift

Purpose: Relieves shoulder tension and enhances mobility in the shoulder joints.

Extended Arm Stretch

Purpose: Stretches the arms and shoulders, releasing tension in the upper body.

Zen Stretch

Purpose: Gentle stretch involving the arms and legs, encouraging a state of deep relaxation.

Twist and Spiral

Purpose: Involves twisting movements to release tension and improve overall flexibility.

Each of these moves combines Shiatsu, stretches, and rhythmic movements to work along the body’s meridians, promoting energy flow and balancing the body’s systems. The goal is to create an environment where the recipient can experience deep relaxation, allowing for natural breath expansion, effortless floating, and a profound sense of ease. As practitioners skillfully combine these moves, they facilitate a therapeutic and harmonious experience for the individual receiving watsu.

How Effective Is Watsu for Pre-Operation Preparation?

Investigate the potential benefits of Watsu as a pre-operative therapy, addressing its impact on mental and physical preparation.
To help you with fitness, mobility, and healing by lowering your blood pressure and Introduction:

Watsu, an aquatic bodywork therapy, has the potential to improve pre-operative preparation by reducing stress and improving overall well-being.

Key Benefits:
Stress Reduction: Watsu’s gentle movements in warm water induce deep relaxation, effectively lowering pre-operative stress and anxiety.
Muscle Relaxation: Buoyancy and Watsu techniques alleviate muscle tension, easing physical discomfort associated with pre-operation apprehension.
Enhanced Circulation: Watsu’s aquatic environment promotes improved blood circulation, contributing to better overall physical readiness for surgery.
Calming the Nervous System: Soothing Watsu motions can calm the nervous system, fostering slower and deeper breathing to promote a positive pre-operative mindset.

Effectiveness and Considerations:
Patient Testimonials: Positive testimonials highlight a sense of calm, increased mental clarity, and improved emotional well-being.
Individual Variances: Effectiveness may vary based on factors such as comfort in water, prior bodywork experiences, and the nature of the upcoming surgery.
Integration with Pre-Op Practices: While a valuable addition, Watsu is not a substitute for medical advice. It should be integrated into a comprehensive pre-operative care plan developed with healthcare professionals.

Watsu for Stress, Depression, and Disabilities: Real Stories

Share real-life experiences and success stories of individuals benefiting from Watsu in managing stress, depression, and disabilities.
Overview: From 2008 to 2017, I hosted a spiritual healing retreat, Medispa, and provided Watsu to clients all over the world, creating a global Watsu family. While Watsu is more common worldwide, the Watsu community in England, particularly Yorkshire, has grown steadily. Here are some real-life examples of Watsu’s transformative impact on people dealing with stress, depression, and disabilities.

Diverse Clientele:

Global Reach:
Clients, both local and from distant locations, visited Medispa, experiencing the unique and spiritually connected Watsu sessions.

Some clients, though not all filmed due to privacy concerns, provided testimonials highlighting the exceptional health benefits and the profound, magical, and immersive nature of Watsu.

Continuing the Journey:

Global Watsu Family:
Even after two decades as a practitioner, the global Watsu family continues to expand, fostering a supportive community of practitioners and clients.

Current Offerings:
Presently, while in Sheffield, Watsu is offered in various settings, including hydro pools,private warm pools, thermas, hydro spas, and warm seawater, ensuring accessibility for clients seeking this unique therapeutic experience.

Healing Benefits:

Holistic Bliss:
Watsu, described as a magical experience, nurtures the heart and mind, inducing states of relaxation and bliss. Clients reported relief from mental, emotional, and physical pain.

Spiritual Connection:
Watsu sessions at Medispa were noted for their spiritual connection, offering a unique blend of physical therapy and spiritual nourishment.


The testimonials and real stories from Medispa clients underscore the profound impact of Watsu on stress, depression, and disabilities. This therapeutic modality, with its global community, continues to provide unique and transformative experiences for individuals seeking holistic well-being.

Prices and Booking Information:

  • Session Details
    Price: £100.00 plus vat for a 60-minute session.
  • Arrival Time: Please arrive 15 minutes prior to your session. Late arrivals will result in a deduction from your treatment time.
  • Cancellation Policy
    If you need to cancel, please do so within 72 hours prior to your treatment. Failure to notify through email, text, and call will result in the full payment being charged.
  • Booking Confirmation
    Upon online payment, you will receive a text and email confirming your booking with details of the date, time, and venue.
  • Location Highlights:
    All Watsu locations are showcased in the highlights section, displaying pool images and providing links and addresses.
  • What to Bring:
    Bring a costume, shorts, water, towel, hair cleaning/shower gel, and a light snack if you’re traveling.
  • Disability Access: Facilities include a hoist, harness, disabled access, and toilets and showers. If you require assistance, although adaptations are available, most clients can get by without them.
  • Travel Services:
    I offer Watsu sessions in various locations, including mineral spas, springs, and private pools. If you have a location with a warm hydrotherapy pool, feel free to contact me for a session.


In my blog, I’ll cover contraindications, ensuring cautious treatment for individuals with specific conditions. Clients with disabilities, including blindness, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, cancer, and various challenges, can benefit from Watsu. While some may proceed, others might find alternatives like massage more suitable.
I prioritize adapting the Watsu experience to accommodate each individual’s unique needs and challenges.